CEJ Director on Laudato Si

Here's video of Sister Pat Siemen speaking at the "Our Children, Climate, Faith Symposium" in Strafford, Vermont, on "Laudato Si," a call to all people to recognize that we are relatives and kin within the Earth community and protect our common home.

Sister Patricia Siemen speaking at the 3rd Annual "Our Children, Climate, Faith Symposium" in Strafford, Vermont. "Laudato Si’ issues a call to all people to protect our common home. It sets a cosmological context of belonging, of being relatives and kin within the Earth community. Throughout the encyclical, Pope Francis weaves a story of integral ecology. “A true ecological approach always becomes a social approach; it must integrate the questions of justice in debates on the environment, so as to hear both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.” (49) In this time of climate change and ecological devastation we need an “Earthy” spirituality and an integral ecology that generates the moral commitment to create right relationships, for the sake of future generations and to protect our common home."